My thoughts on Hinduism

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I can instead lead a meaningful life

I came across this saying in

The Vedas have taught the means to make life in the world pure and meaningful. They have declared: "Na karmanaa na prajayaa dhane na, thyaagenaike amrutatwamaanashuhu" (not through rituals, progeny or wealth, but only through sacrifice can immortality be achieved). A Thyagi (renunciant) does not hesitate even to sacrifice his body for other's welfare. Sacrifice means something more than giving up of wealth, gold and material objects. Evil qualities like hatred, jealousy, wrath and malice which have become ingrained in man over many lifetimes should be discarded.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

When will I become a Brahmin?

As per Atri Smriti ""By birth, every man is a Shudra (an ignorant person). Through various types of disciplines (samskaras), he becomes a dwija (twice born). Through the studies of scriptures, he becomes a vipra (or a scholar). Through realization of supreme spirit (brahmajnana), he becomes a brahmin."
